May 2-4, 2018 - Copenhagen, Denmark
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Thursday, May 3

06:30 CEST

07:30 CEST

08:00 CEST

09:00 CEST

09:30 CEST

09:35 CEST

09:55 CEST

10:15 CEST

10:20 CEST

10:30 CEST

10:40 CEST

11:10 CEST

From PaaS to Kubernetes: Combining the Power of Kubernetes with the Most Innovative Features of PaaS - William Denniss, Google (Beginner Skill Level) C1-M1 OCI BoF - Alban Crequy, Kinvolk & Chris Aniszczyk, CNCF (Any Skill Level) (Slides Attached) B3-M5+7 Higher-Order Deployments: Reducing Boilerplate With Kubernetes Custom Resource Definitions - James Bowes, Manifold (Intermediate Skill Level) (Slides Attached) C1-M0 Jaeger Project Deep Dive - Juraci Kröhling, Red Hat (Intermediate Skill Level) (Slides Attached) B4-M1+3 SIG Scheduling Deep Dive – Bobby Salamat & Jonathan Basseri, Google (Intermediate Skill Level) (Slides Attached) B4-M2+4 CNCF Cross-Cloud CI Intro – Denver Williams, Cloud Native Computing Foundation, & Taylor Carpenter, Vulk Coop (Any Skill Level) (Slides Attached) B3-M6+8 SIG Storage (K8s) Intro - Saad Ali, Google (Any Skill Level) B5-M1+3 Managing Kubernetes: What You Need to Know About Day 2 - Craig Tracey, Heptio (Intermediate Skill Level) (Slides Attached) Auditorium 10 Building a Go AI with Kubernetes and TensorFlow - Andrew Jackson & Josh Hoak, Google (Beginner Skill Level) (Slides Attached) C1-M5 Make Ingress-Nginx Work for You, and the Community - Fernando Diaz, IBM (Any Skill Level) (Slides Attached) Auditorium 15 Autoscale your Kubernetes Workload with Prometheus - Frederic Branczyk, CoreOS (Intermediate Skill Level) (Slides Attached) Auditorium 11+12 Building cert-manager: Migrating Thousands of Users from kube-lego to use CRDs - James Munnelly, Jetstack (Intermediate Skill Level) C1-M2 Applying Least Privileges through Kubernetes Admission Controllers - Benjy Portnoy, Aqua Security (Intermediate Skill Level) C1-M3 How to Get a Service Mesh Into Prod without Getting Fired - William Morgan, Buoyant, Inc (Any Skill Level) (Slides Attached) C1-M4

11:30 CEST

11:55 CEST

Happy Helming with Service Catalog - Jeremy Rickard, Microsoft (Intermediate Skill Level) (Slides Attached) C1-M1 Writing Kube Controllers for Everyone - Maciej Szulik, Red Hat (Beginner Skill Level) (Slides Attached) C1-M0 SIG Multi-Cluster Deep Dive – Christian Bell, Madhu C.S., & Nikhil Jindal, Google (Intermediate Skill Level) B4-M1+3 Kubespray Intro – Antoine Legrand, Red Hat, & Matthew Mosesohn, Virtustream (Any Skill Level) B5-M1+3 rkt Intro – Alban Crequy & Iago López Galeiras, Kinvolk (Any Skill Level) (Slides Attached) B4-M2+4 SIG Apps Intro – Janet Kuo & Kenneth Owens, Google (Any Skill Level) (Slides Attached) B3-M6+8 VMware SIG Intro – Fabio Rapposelli & Steve Wong, VMware (Any Skill Level) (Slides Attached) B3-M5+7 Understanding Distributed Consensus in etcd and Kubernetes - Laura Frank, CloudBees (Intermediate Skill Level) (Slides Attached) Auditorium 10 Building ML Products With Kubeflow - Jeremy Lewi, Google & Stephan Fabel, Canonical (Intermediate Skill Level) (Slides Attached) C1-M5 Kubernetes and the CNI: Where We Are and What's Next - Casey Callendrello, CoreOS (Intermediate Skill Level) (Slides Attached) Auditorium 15 Pod Anomaly Detection and Eviction using Prometheus Metrics - David Benque & Cedric Lamoriniere, Amadeus (Beginner Skill Level) (Slides Attached) Auditorium 11+12 Stories from the Playbook - Tina Zhang & Fred van den Driessche, Google (Any Skill Level) (Slides Attached) C1-M2 Good Enough for the Finance Industry: Achieving High Security at Scale with Microservices in Kubernetes - Zachary Arnold & Austin Adams, Ygrene Energy Fund (Any Skill Level) (Slides Attached) C1-M3 From eval to prod: How a Service Mesh Helped Us Build Production Cloud-Native Services - Israel Sotomayor, Moltin (Beginner Skill Level) (Slides Attached) C1-M4

12:30 CEST

14:00 CEST

Challenges to Writing Cloud Native Applications - Vallery Lancey, Checkfront (Intermediate Skill Level) (Slides Attached) C1-M1 Kubernetes-style APIs of the Future - Daniel Smith, Google (Any Skill Level) (Slides Attached) C1-M0 Prometheus Deep Dive – Julius Volz, Prometheus, & Max Inden, Red Hat (Intermediate Skill Level) B4-M1+3 Resource Management WG Deep Dive – Vishnu Kannan, Google (Intermediate Skill Level) B3-M6+8 SIG Service-Catalog Deep Dive – Michael Kibbe, Google; Morgan Bauer & Doug Davis, IBM (Intermediate Skill Level) (Slides Attached) B5-M1+3 SPIFFE Deep Dive - Neel Shah, VMware; Andrew Jessup & Emiliano Berenbaum, Scytale, Inc., (Intermediate Skill Level) (Slides Attached) B4-M2+4 SIG Release Intro – Jaice Singer DuMars & Caleb Miles, Google (Any Skill Level) B3-M5+7 Blackholes and Wormholes: Understand and Troubleshoot the “Magic” of Kubernetes Networking - Minhan Xia & Rohit Ramkumar, Google (Intermediate Skill Level) (Slides Attached) Auditorium 10 The Path to GPU as a Service in Kubernetes - Renaud Gaubert, NVIDIA (Intermediate Skill Level) (Slides Attached) C1-M5 The “Silk” Road: Building a CNI Plugin from Scratch - Usha Ramachandran & Angela Chin, Pivotal (Any Skill Level) (Slides Attached) Auditorium 15 How We Used Jaeger and Prometheus to Deliver Lightning-Fast User Queries - Bryan Boreham, Weaveworks (Intermediate Skill Level) (Slides Attached) Auditorium 11+12 101 Ways to “Break and Recover” Kubernetes Cluster - Suresh Visvanathan & Nandhakumar Venkatachalam, Oath (Yahoo) (Intermediate Skill Level) (Slides Attached) C1-M2 Container Isolation at Scale (Introducing gVisor) - Dawn Chen & Zhengyu He, Google (Intermediate Skill Level) (Slides Attached) C1-M3 GitOps for Istio - Manage Istio Config like Code - Varun Talwar, Stealth Startup & Alexis Richardson, WeaveWorks (Intermediate Skill Level) C1-M4

14:30 CEST

14:45 CEST

Building Applications to Increase Kubernetes Adoption, and Make Life Easier Once You've Adopted It - Kate Kuchin, Heptio (Any Skill Level) (Slides Attached) C1-M1 Writing Kubernetes Controllers for CRDs: Challenges, Approaches and Solutions - Alena Prokharchyk, Rancher Labs, Inc. (Intermediate Skill Level) (Slides Attached) C1-M0 Cloud Native Landscape Deep Dive – Dan Kohn, Cloud Native Computing Foundation (Intermediate Skill Level) B3-M6+8 CoreDNS Intro – Miek Gieben, Google (Any Skill Level) B3-M5+7 Minikube Intro – Dan Lorenc, Google (Any Skill Level) B5-M1+3 NATS Intro – Colin Sullivan & Waldemar Quevedo, Synadia (Any Skill Level) (Slides Attached) B4-M2+4 Source2Image Intro – Ben Parees, Red Hat & Matt Moore, Google (Any Skill Level) (Slides Attached) B4-M1+3 Exploring Container Mechanisms Through the Story of a Syscall - Alban Crequy, Kinvolk (Intermediate Skill Level) (Slides Attached) Auditorium 10 Bringing Your Data Pipeline into The Machine Learning Era - Chris Gaun & Jörg Schad, Mesosphere (Intermediate Skill Level) C1-M5 Global Container Networks on Kubernetes at DigitalOcean - Andrew Sy Kim, DigitalOcean (Intermediate Skill Level) (Slides Attached) Auditorium 15 TSDB: The Past, Present and the Future - Goutham Veeramachaneni, IIT Hyderabad (Advanced Skill Level) Auditorium 11+12 Kubernetes Multi-Cluster Operations without Federation - Rob Szumski, CoreOS (Intermediate Skill Level) C1-M2 OPA: The Cloud Native Policy Engine - Torin Sandall, Styra (Intermediate Skill Level) (Slides Attached) C1-M3 Envoy Internals Deep Dive - Matt Klein, Lyft (Advanced Skill Level) (Slides Attached) C1-M4

15:20 CEST

15:30 CEST

15:50 CEST

Building Event-Driven Pipelines with Brigade - Brian Redmond, Microsoft (Intermediate Skill Level) (Slides Attached) C1-M1 Building a Kubernetes Scheduler using Custom Metrics - Mateo Burillo, Sysdig (Intermediate Skill Level) (Slides Attached) C1-M0 Kubeflow Deep Dive – David Aronchick & Jeremy Lewi, Google (Intermediate Skill Level) (Slides Attached) B4-M1+3 SIG Contributor Experience Deep Dive – Paris Pittman, Google & Tim Pepper, VMware (Intermediate Skill Level) (Slides Attached) B3-M5+7 Storage WG Deep Dive – Ben Hindman, Mesosphere; Clint Kitson, VMware & Quinton Hoole, Huawei (Intermediate Skill Level) B4-M2+4 CNI Intro – Bryan Boreham, Weaveworks & Casey Callendrello, CoreOS (Any Skill Level) B3-M6+8 Linkerd Intro – Andrew Siegner & George Miranda, Buoyant.io (Any Skill Level) (Slides Attached) B5-M1+3 Multicluster Ingress Powered by Kubernetes Cluster Registry - Greg Harmon & Nikhil Jindal, Google (Advanced Skill Level) (Slides Attached) Auditorium 10 Compliant Data Management and Machine Learning on Kubernetes - Daniel Whitenack, Pachyderm (Intermediate Skill Level) (Slides Attached) C1-M5 Getting Started with Logging in Kubernetes - Eduardo Silva, Treasure Data (Any Skill Level) (Slides Attached) Auditorium 11+12 Case Study: How Containers Makes Security and Compliance Instantly Easier - John Morello, Twistlock (Intermediate Skill Level) C1-M3 Panel Discussion: Ask Us Anything: Microservices and Service Mesh - Moderated by Jason McGee, IBM (Any Skill Level) C1-M4

16:35 CEST

YAML is for Computers. ksonnet is for Humans - Bryan Liles, Heptio (Any Skill Level) C1-M1 Horizontal Pod Autoscaler Reloaded - Scale on Custom Metrics - Maciej Pytel, Google & Solly Ross, Red Hat (Intermediate Skill Level) C1-M0 gRPC Deep Dive: gRPC C-Core Architecture and Life of an RPC – Jayant Kolhe & Sree Kuchibhotla, Google (Intermediate Skill Level) B3-M6+8 Kubernetes Policy WG Deep Dive - Zhipeng Huang, Huawei (Intermediate Skill Level) B4-M1+3 NATS Deep Dive – Colin Sullivan & Waldemar Quevedo, Synadia (Intermediate Skill Level) (Slides Attached) B3-M5+7 rkt Deep Dive – Alban Crequy & Iago López Galeiras, Kinvolk (Intermediate Skill Level) (Slides Attached) B4-M2+4 SIG PM Intro - Ihor Dvoretskyi, Cloud Native Computing Foundation & Aparna Sinha, Google (Any Skill Level) B5-M1+3 Who Shot the Cluster? - Audit Logging in Kubernetes - Marian Lobur & Mik Vyatskov, Google (Intermediate Skill Level) Auditorium 10 What’s in the Box? Resource Management in Kubernetes - Louise Daly & Ivan Coughlan, Intel (Intermediate Skill Level) (Slides Attached) C1-M5 Cloud Native Networking for Containers in AWS using CNI Plugins - Anirudh Aithal, Amazon Web Services (Intermediate Skill Level) (Slides Attached) Auditorium 15 Reveal Your Deepest Kubernetes Metrics - Bob Cotton, Freshtracks.io (Intermediate Skill Level) (Slides Attached) Auditorium 11+12 Clusters as Cattle: How to Seamlessly Migrate Apps across Kubernetes Clusters - Andy Goldstein, Heptio (Intermediate Skill Level) (Slides Attached) C1-M2 Entitlements: Understandable Container Security Controls - Justin Cormack & Nassim Eddequiouaq, Docker (Intermediate Skill Level) (Slides Attached) C1-M3 Observability and the Depths of Debugging Cloud-Native Applications using Linkerd and Conduit - Franziska von der Goltz, Buoyant, Inc (Intermediate Skill Level) (Slides Attached) C1-M4

18:00 CEST


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